Majacraft Camp 2023

A photographic look at the weekend!

Each year our Majacraft Camp fills with the presence of wonderful spinners and fantastic teachers, all willing to share knowledge, ideas, and our passion for fibre art in every form. 2023 has been no exception! This year we welcomed Janet Day (Australia), Pat Old, Leigh Morris, and Judy Knipmeijer as teachers, and enjoyed a visit and presentation from Ineke and Ans De Brouwer, all the way from the Netherlands.
We would like to thank everyone who attended and participated, your creativity and inspiration was amazing. What follows is a photo record of the classes over the weekend, we hope you will enjoy this look back over the weekend.
Leigh Morris taught a great class on how to manage and spin flax strick, including how to attach it to (and spin from) a distaff
Janet Day’s class learned how to create a soft, light, and round yarn using a special carding technique, as well as how to ‘wiggle’ and steam their fibre to make it easier to prepare (and see the crimp!)
Judy Knipmeijer’s class on creating tweed yarns with some carding and colour splashes created some gorgeous yarns!
Pat Old’s class was all about the fibre, with essential information and practice in identifying the crimp and how to spin to that crimp to get the best out of each type of fibre’s characteristics, also lots of wonderful yarns spun!
We also had a talk by Ineke and Ans De Brouwer, in which they shared some wonderful photographs of places in the Netherlands and beyond, plus local stories and legends that have inspired some very creative and beautiful yarns and weavings.

On the Saturday evening Annette Montgomery demo-ed a tool for spinning art yarn to make short lengths ideal for jewellery, and on Sunday afternoon Suzy Brown hosted the tools table with combs, cards, and also all the Majacraft wheels for people to try out.
And we also cannot forget that while the spinners spun, Owen Poad entertained their partners and spouses with some trips to places of local interest!
Photos by Owen Poad
Many thanks to the Majacraft team for organising everything so wonderfully again this year, it is always such a pleasure to attend and I know how much work goes into making these Camps happen!
Photos by Suzy Brown unless otherwise noted.
Do you have dates for 2024 Camp?
Yes we do – for our next Papamoa retreat it will be 19-21 April 2024.
Thank you for another wonderful educational weekend
How about coming to the South Island please. We need Majacraft in the south!
That sounds like a pretty great idea to me Kristien! Do you have any top tips for locations? 😉